Worcestershire Powder

As low as $5.79
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A popular condiment that has a savory flavor and is used to season a wide variety of dishes, our Worcestershire powder is great for making dry-rubs, sprinkling onto burgers, adding to Bloody Marys, and other traditional uses.
The name Worcestershire refers to the town in England where the sauce was first produced commercially. A popular condiment that has a savory flavor and is used to season a wide variety of dishes, our Worcestershire powder is great for making dry-rubs, sprinkling onto burgers, adding to Bloody Marys, and other traditional uses.
Worcestershire sauce concentrate (distilled vinegar, molasses, corn syrup, salt, caramel color, garlic powder, sugar, spices, tamarind, natural flavor, sulfiting agents), corn maltodextrin, silicon dioxide [anti-caking agent].
United States
The Worcestershire recipe was inspired by an Indian fish sauce. As the story is rumored to have gone, it was a failed (yet delicious) attempt at recreating the sauce.
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