Pink Pepperberry

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Pink pepperberries are actually not peppercorns at all and are not even related to the pepper nigrum plant. Originating from the French island of Reunion, this berry is from the baies rose plant.
Pink pepperberries are actually not peppercorns at all and are not even related to the pepper nigrum plant. Originating from the French island of Reunion, this berry is from the baies rose plant. It has a relatively sweet-hot flavor and is used to add a touch of both color and flavor to many dishes. Great for use whole when you’d like the size and flavor of a peppercorn with a sweeter, exotic edge.

Pink pepperberries. Contains: pink pepperberry [related to the cashew family].

Similar in size and appearance to peppercorns (piper nigrum), pink peppercorns are actually a berry from a plant in the cashew, mango, and poison ivy family.
Tree Nuts (Pink Pepperberry)
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