Dill Weed

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Dill weed is the leaf and stem of the dill plant. The seeds flavor is clean, pungent, and reminiscent of caraway, while dill weed (the leaf and stem) has a slightly mellower herb-like flavor. Although rare in cuisines that favor fennel, dill is commonly used in German and Scandinavian cooking. Dill weed is used in potato and pasta salads, dips, and to season fish.

Spice Fun Fact: In ancient Greece, the leaves were made into oil and used as a fragrance. Additionally athletes would spread the oil all over their body as a muscle toner.
Dill weed is the leaf and stem of the dill plant. The seeds flavor is clean, pungent, and reminiscent of caraway, while dill weed (the leaf and stem) has a slightly mellower herb-like flavor. Although rare in cuisines that favor fennel, dill is commonly used in German and Scandinavian cooking. Dill weed is used in potato and pasta salads, dips, and to season fish.
May be sourced from Israel, Egypt, or Europe.
In ancient Greece, the leaves were made into oil and used as a fragrance. Additionally athletes would spread the oil all over their body as a muscle toner.
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