Good as Gold Spice Blend

As low as $5.79
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Boost flavor & nutrition with this anti-inflammatory, superfood blend. For a perfect Golden Milk tea, combine 2 Tbsp spice blend with 2 Tbsp honey; stir in 6 oz warmed milk until smooth. Namaste!

Inspired by the traditional Ayurvedic recipe that has been savored for centuries for its support of the mind and body, this delicious and nourishing blend includes turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon and comes packed with wellness potential. While best known as the main ingredients for golden milk tea & lattes, this blend’s fine powder consistency makes it easy to incorporate into countless sweet or savory preparations – from smoothies and shakes, to cookie dough and sweet bread batters, to rice and vegetable dishes. However you use it, Good As Gold is earthy, warming, comforting – and sugar-free – so you can customize with your choice of sweetener.

Try out this convenient spice blend in these simple (Ayurvedic) recipes: Coconut Turmeric Chia Parfait and Golden Milk Latte.


turmeric, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar powder (IP maltodextrin, apple cider vinegar, IP modified food starch), ginger, organic maca powder, black pepper.

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