Cocoa - Dutched

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Dutched cocoa takes its name from Holland, the country of its origin. The Dutching process provides alkalization to reduce the cocoas natural acidity and bitterness. This results in a deeper brown color and a smoother, mellower flavor that is better suited for hot cocoas, coffees, or other warm beverages.

Spice Fun Fact: The ʺDutchʺ process was invented in the early 1800s by a Dutchman and involves alkalizing the cocoa, thus reducing some of the sourness and bitterness of cocoa powder.
Dutched cocoa takes its name from Holland, the country of its origin. The Dutching process provides alkalization to reduce the cocoas natural acidity and bitterness. This results in a deeper brown color and a smoother, mellower flavor that is better suited for hot cocoas, coffees, or other warm beverages.
The "Dutch" process was invented in the early 1800s by a Dutchman and involves alkalizing the cocoa, thus reducing some of the sourness and bitterness of cocoa powder.
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