Cloves - Whole

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Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds of a tropical tree native to Indonesia. While utilized in many dishes, use cloves sparingly to avoid overpowering other flavors. Ground cloves are favored in baking (pies), stewed fruits, curries, and other savory dishes, while the whole form is better recognized in studding meats (ham), pickling blends, and boils.

Spice Fun Fact: The taste of cloves is similar to the peppery, sweet heat of allspice with an edgy bite. Their flavor works well in spiced cookies, cakes, and hot tea.
Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds of a tropical tree native to Indonesia. While utilized in many dishes, use cloves sparingly to avoid overpowering other flavors. Ground cloves are favored in baking (pies), stewed fruits, curries, and other savory dishes, while the whole form is better recognized in studding meats (ham), pickling blends, and boils.
May be sourced from Indonesia, Madagascar, Brazil, Zanzibar, or Comoros.
The taste of cloves is similar to the peppery, sweet heat of allspice with an edgy bite. Their flavor works well in spiced cookies, cakes, and hot tea.
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