Carrots - Diced

As low as $4.59
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Carrots are a widely known, cultivated vegetable utilized in a vast array of dishes. We offer this freeze-dried version for use in making dry-mix soups, stews, omelets, salads, and other creations. Ideal for use when fresh vegetables are not available or convenient. Compact and easy to take on camping trips.

Spice Fun Fact: Originally carrots were grown not for their roots, but for their aromatic leaves and seeds. The first mention of the root dates back to the 1st century.
Carrots are a widely known, cultivated vegetable utilized in a vast array of dishes. We offer this freeze-dried version for use in making dry-mix soups, stews, omelets, salads, and other creations. Ideal for use when fresh vegetables are not available or convenient. Compact and easy to take on camping trips.
Originally carrots were grown not for their roots, but for their aromatic leaves and seeds. The first mention of the root dates back to the 1st century.
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