Bay Leaves - Hand Selected

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Commonly found in the Mediterranean region, bay tree leaves add a tangy, earthy flavor to a recipe. Bay leaves are wonderful in soups, sauces, or cooked with meats and fish. They are usually added whole during cooking and then removed before serving. In some cultures, finding one still in the pot is considered good luck!

Spice Fun Fact: In ancient Greece and Rome, bay leaves were thought to hold magical powers and were used to make crowns of laurel for champion athletes and poets.
Commonly found in the Mediterranean region, bay tree leaves add a tangy, earthy flavor to a recipe. Bay leaves are wonderful in soups, sauces, or cooked with meats and fish. They are usually added whole during cooking and then removed before serving. In some cultures, finding one still in the pot is considered good luck!
In ancient Greece and Rome, bay leaves were thought to hold magical powers and were used to make crowns of laurel for champion athletes and poets.
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